Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New OREA Licensing and CE Rules

The OREA has produced a PowerPoint presentation relating to the new Licensing and Continuing Education rules. This relates to who is going to be qualified to offer CE, Advanced Practices, Principal Broker and the new Law and Rules Update courses. There is also a major change on who is responsible for keeping track of licensee's hours. See it all here

Monday, June 21, 2010

Real Estate Live Instruction Classes

If you are interested in attending pre-license or continuing education real estate classes contact Hallmark Real Estate School in Klamath Falls, Superior Schools/Pro-studies in Bend, or Careers Real Estate School in Eugene.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Great resource for marketing direction

The NAR has recently published their profile of home buyers and sellers. In it are a number of items of interest to agents interested in defining where they would like to take their business. Here are three excerpts showing preferences according to age, gender and location along with medial household income.

Help us help you

We are constantly updating our course material and questions to cover the latest state required topics. If you have recently taken a state exam and found your course didn't cover certain questions please let us know. We want to be sure we have the most complete course for our students. Our student first time pass rate in many cases is the highest of most of the other course providers and we wish to keep it that way.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Live Real Estate Continuing Education

For those Real Estate Agents attending the RMLS fall trade fair in Coos Bay I will there be teaching two 3 hour Continuing Education courses. The first will be on ethics, the second will be covering the new course required by the OREA relating to rules and updates. Hope to see you there.

Interested in a new career?

The purpose of this blog is to acquaint any interested person with what is required to get their license, plus study and exam taking tips.

For those beginning their career, or already in the field, we will be offering some of our FasTrak(R) business building tips.

If you have any questions about becoming an agent let us know, we have been in the business since 1978 and are all currently licensed in our fields.